BENEFITS OF YOGA:  Yoga is an art and science of healthy living. The benefits of yoga are both physical and emotional.  It is a branch of religious and spiritual traditions. Yoga is a balanced state of thoughts and intellect. The practice of nonviolence to our world. This is one of yoga's most fundamental practices. In essence it is a specific way, a manner of living. Yoga provides us with procedures that consistently help us in every area of our life. It is great dynamo of power which you have to tap to become a master of yourself and the world. If the mind of not controlled, then the body will also not be under control. If the mind is not healthy then body will not be healthy. Research has shown that every thought in the mind affects the brain, nervous system and all other organs in the body.    



"If here is a key to life it is Yoga."
The science of yoga is the science of cosmos. Yoga is a great dynamo of power which you have to tab to become a master of yourself and the world. The greatest power and energy is within you, not with you. Yoga is fully capable of giving the humanity, physical and mental health. When one is sound of mind and body, one is one's own self. When you achieve yoga, you find pure consciousness in action and good health resistance power etc. When the heart works normally through the circulation of blood, it gets the blood purified by the lungs and keeps the digestive system in order; the various glands function and maintain the balance of body; and the mind works calmly and keeps the body functioning through the intricate nervous system.

Main rules of Yoga. 

1. Yoga is the most friendly and reliable way to maintain fitness. Yogasanas are non violent activity. No jerks should be given to the body while doing them.

2. It should be done on an empty stomach.

3.  Morning is said to be the best time to practice yoga. 

4. Start by doing an easy yoga pose. 

5. One should wait at least three hours after eating before practicing yoga. 

6. Avoid drinking tea or coffee while practicing yoga. 

7. A yoga mat or a blanket should be spread on the ground chosen for asanas.

8.  Comfortable clothes are essential for practicing yoga. 

9. One hour after practicing yoga, you can eat. 

10. It is always better to practice yoga where there is plenty of fresh air. 


1. VAJRASANA (Adamant pose).
How to practice.

Many of us often practice yoga in the morning or evening, but there are some yogas that should be practiced after eating. Vajrasana is one of these yoga. Practicing Vajrasana improves the body. Most experts recommend to do Vajrasana after eating. This improves digestive power. It also controls the growing weight of the body.

How to practice: Bend your legs and sit on your knees, by placing your heels under your hips. Sit between the heels. Now make your spine straight, place your hands on your knees while keeping the arms straight. Close the eyes. Observe normal breathing for 3 to 5 minutes.

Benefits of Vajrasana.

The asana has good effect on our digestive system. The impurities accumulated in our shins and knees are displaced. Removes lower back pain. Control blood sugar and 
improve your blood pressure.

2. BHUJANGASANA (Cobra Pose).
How to do.

Bhujangasana, the name comes from the Sanskrit words "bhujanga" meaning "snake" or "snake" and "asan" meaning "asana". This is called the cobra pose because it looks like a cobra holding a coin. 

How to practice: Lie down with your face downward, touching the ground with your forehead. Let your palms touch the ground just below your shoulders and as wide apart as your chest. Now raise your elbows a little. Start inhaling and raising the front part up to your navel. Give maximum curve to your chest and abdomen and look up in the sky. Do not separate your heels. Stay in this posture for some time and then come back to the original position, exhaling. Keeping your left cheek on the ground, leave the body in a relaxed state.


1. It is specifically useful asana for the kidneys.

2. Improves blood circulation.

3. Helps to relieve stress.

4. It is very useful asana for strengthening the heart.

5. Reduce back pain.

6. Strengthens the spine.

7. Bhujangasana strengthens the chest muscles and also promotes blood circulation.

3. PADMASANA (Lotus Pose).
How to do Padmasana.

PADMASANA is the one of the best remedies for indigestion, and correcting spine and leg nerve rigidity. Sit with crossing one foot on the opposite thigh and the other foot placed on the other thigh in such a way that both your heels touch each other below your navel in the middle of your abdomen, in this way, soles of your feet will stay on your thighs. Now, straighten your backbone and neck so that there is no bend at your waist. Place your hands on your knees.


How to practice: Place your left foot on the joint of your right thigh, and the right foot on the joint of left thigh in such a way that both your heels touch each other below your navel in the middle of your abdomen. In this way, soles of your feet will stay on your thighs. Now, straighten your backbone and neck so that there is no bend at your waist. Place your hands on your knees.

Benefits of Padmasana.

One should sit in any of these asanas while practicing Meditation. The vertebral column, neck, head and waist should all be kept straight. These postures strengthen the nerves of the spinal cord and make them elastic. Padmasana is also good for your abdomen and pelvic organs. Improves concentration. Helps with nasal and throat diseases.

4. SARVANGASANA (Sholder stand). 

Sarvang asana is one of the best and most important asanas in Hatha Yoga. It has a huge amount of benefits which cover all the body systems. The word sarvanga means entire body& it is balanced on the shoulders.


How to do Sarvangasana. 

Lie on your back. Stretch your body in a state of alert, your hands on the side of the thighs, palms resting on the ground. As in the case of halasana, raise your legs slowly while putting pressure on your hands. Start inhaling. Bring your legs to a 45* angle and stay a while in this position. Then bring them at 90* and stay for a few moments. Now raise your waist also and take the legs beyond your head, making them parallel to the ground, exhale while doing so. Lift your hands from the ground, bend the arms from the elbows, put your hands on your back, and raise your legs upward with your elbows resting on the ground and your hands supporting your back. In this position, your chin should bury itself into your chest, your entire body from feet to shoulders should be erect. Breathe in the normal way.

After sufficient practice, one can stay in this position up to ten minutes. While returning from this position, do not give any jerks to the body. Come back as slowly as possible. Remove the support of your hands from the back, make the legs parallel to the ground, bring your legs at 90*on your waist, take them down slowly, stop them at about 8cm from the ground, open them a little sideways and place them on the ground without any jerk. Relax.

Benefits of Sarvangasana.

Sarvangasana helps in activating the blood flow towards the neck and head. It may also help in increasing concentration and cognition. It may help improve the texture and quality of your skin by promoting blood circulation to your face hence rejuvenating the blood cells. The disorders of the thyroid, tonsils, neck, lungs and ears are removed. The strength of the brain and the nerves is increased, eyesight is improved and wind is controlled, and blood purified. It makes the spine elastic and provides youthful vigour.

What is Pawanmuktasana? (Wind Relieving Pose)

Pawanmuktasana is a healing pose that effectively removes gases from the stomach while simultaneously massaging the entire back and spine. Its name comes from the Sanskrit pavana meaning "wind". Mukta means "to liberate".


The right way to do Pawanmuktasana: Lie down on your back and stretch both your legs. Now leaving the left leg stretched on the ground bend your right leg at the knee and bring the bend knee near the chest. Now inhale and press your bend leg on your chest with both hands, which should be interlocked for this purpose. Keep the breath full in your belly and go on pressing the leg on it. Stay at this position for some time now start exhaling, lift your head and try to touch your bend knee with your nose. Inhale and bring your head back in the normal position, also take the leg down and exhale. Repeat this process with your right leg and then with both legs. (Guidelines from the book of Dr Satya pal. Yoga Specialist and Naturopaths).

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana.

This asana brings the wind down, so that it can be easily exhausted through the anus. The wind then does not cause disorders in the stomach. Relief in case of chronic constipation and sluggish liver. Shoulder muscles, triceps, gluteus maximus and hamstrings are stretched. By doing this asana, one gets relief from lower back pain and joint pain. It is because this asana puts pressure on the chest and knees. Obesity and excessive fat of the abdomen also diminish.


This asana is also called Kakasana/ The Crow Pose. Nature has made our physical structure perfect and complete and invested this mechanism with the capability of keeping itself in good health. If any foreign matter sneaks in to our body and gets stuck up there, we call it disease. All the present and future ailments can be ascribed to this factor. If we take reasonably good care of our body and do not let any harmful matter remain inside, we shall never fall ill.


How to do Crow pose.

Step.1_ Apply your hands on the ground and bring both your legs closer. Your hands should be placed on the ground according to the width of your shoulders.

Step.2_ Now you slowly lift your feet from the ground and bring the burden of your body to your hands.

Step.3_ Now you stay in this position for a minute or according to your ability and if you feel pain then come in normal posture.


Your brain and body starts getting ready for challenges. Practicing crow improves balance and deepens concentration and focus, While opening the hips. Bakasana (Crow pose) strengthens the hands, arms, shoulders, inner thighs and abdominal muscles. It may create a sense of awareness in the body to maintain stability and focus.


Lie down on your back. First stretch your feet outward and then raise your legs straight upto 45*. Now raise your back and try to touch the feet with your hands straight. Only the buttocks should be on the ground. Now leave the feet and stay in this position for some time.



Balance of the body is maintained.
It makes your hands, legs, and chest stronger. It reduces the paunch and cures constipation.


(BENEFITS OF YOGA): Yoga can be practiced by anyone, because age, religion or healthy conditions. It improves the feeling of discipline and power, as well as gives life an opportunity for healthy life without any physical and mental problems. To promote awareness about it all over the world, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, in the general meeting of the Joint Union, suggested to declare June 21 as International Yoga Day, so that all yoga was about yoga Know and take advantage of its use. Yoga is the ancient tradition of India, which originated in India and is continuously practiced by yogis to stay healthy and meditate. In view of the benefits of the use of yoga in near life, the Union Assembly has announced to celebrate June 21 as International Yoga Day or World Yoga Day.

People also ask.

Ques:1 _What is the main benefit of yoga?

Ans:_ Practice of Yoga postulate keeping the body healthy and the mind calm and peaceful.

Ques:2_ How yoga changes your body?

Ans:_ Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility. Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow.

Ques:3 _What are the 4 pillars of yoga?

Ans:_ Mind, Body,  Emotion, and Energy.

Ques:4 _What precautions should be taken in doing Sarvangasana?

1. Do not practice Sarvangasana (sholder stand) patients with high blood pressure.

2. This posture should never be done if there is a complaint of diarrhea.

3. Sarvangasana should not be done in case of problems or arthritis in the knees.

Ques:5_ Who Cannot do Pawanmuktasana? 

Ans:_ Must be avoided if there is recent abdominal surgery as there is a lot of pressure on the abdomen. Anyone suffering from hernia or piles should avoid this asana. Pregnant women should not practice this asana. If there is any pain, stiffness or injury to the next the head should remain on the floor.

Ques:6_ Who is known as the father of Yoga?

Ans:_ Maharishi Patanjali is called 'Father of Yoga'. Maharishi Patanjali explained the glory of Ashtanga Yoga, which was considered important for a healthy life. In some parts of India, Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is also considered as the father of modern yoga.

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