Yoga for Everybody: Yoga has the power to calm the mind and strengthen the body. It improves muscle tone, flexibility, and balance, and it helps you relax. The purpose of yoga is to build strength, awareness and harmony in both the mind and bod. Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; increases body awareness; relieves chronic stress patterns; relaxes the mind; centers attention; and sharpens concentration. Numerous studies suggest that yoga asana may be effective as an alternative treatment for anxiety disorders. For College students, Yoga is integral to their physical and mental health. By Yoga, student can be healthy in body and mind and, consequently, excel in his/her academics. 

সবার জন্য যোগব্যায়াম

Yoga for Everybody

H1. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar). What is Sun Salutation. How to do and Benefits of Sun Salutation. 

The Sun Salutation, (Surya Namaskar) is a series of twelve positions performed as one continuous exercise. Each movement is coordinated with the breath. The Sun Salutation builds strength and increases flexibility. Practiced daily it will bring great flexibility to your spine and joints and trim your waist. You might find several versions of doing Sun Salutation. Multiple benefits- increases muscle mass hence more fat burning capability, and increases bone density. However, it is best to stick to one particular sequence and practice it regularly for best results. Do 12 rounds of Sun Salutation, followed by other Yoga poses and then rest deeply in relax position. 

Step.1: PRANAMASANA. (Prayer Position).

How to do:  Stand with both feet touching. Bring your hands and joining them at the breast bone. Make sure your weight is evenly distributed each other. Keep the abdomen drawn in slightly, back straight, the elbows and shoulders relaxed.

Benefits of Pranamasana.

There is a seat to bow down to the rising sun. It is also practiced during Surya Namaskar. Pranamasana is a Sanskrit language word which means to practice asana while bowing. In Indian Sanskrit, it is the practice of saluting or greetings. Greeting or doing hello is a scientific process in which your body benefits. Practicing Pranamasana provides benefit in relaxing your body.

Step 2: Hasta Uttanasana (The Arch Pose).

How to practice the Arch Pose:

While inhaling the breath, raise your arms upward. Slowly bend backward, stretching arms above the head. But your arms must remain straight and should touch your ears. Bend your body from wards as far as you can.

Benefits of the Arch Pose:  If you also want a thin waist by reducing weight and belly fat, then this news can be useful for you. Everyone is troubled by obesity and increasing stomach fat in the world. On the contrary, wrong lifestyle causes this. With the help of yoga, you can find a fit and healthy body. This asana can help you in reducing abdominal fat.

Step.3 (The Compression) Hasta Pada Asana. (Hand, Foot pose).

How to practice Hastapadasana: Stand erect, feet together. While exhaling 3 seconds, bring your arms forward from the front and bent your body down. Try to put the palms of your hands on the ground and place them beside your feet. In this state try to touch the knees with your nose, without bending the knees. 

Benefits of Hand, Foot pose: 

The practice of Hasta Padasana causes stretch on the entire back. It affects the entire part from head to foot. The expansion of this asana is up to the lower back, middle and upper part in the body, the effect of asana from the neck goes up to the head, then up to the forehead, and between the eyebrows. The inner digestive organs of the stomach improve digestion by giving good massage. Activates kidney and liver. It also makes the thighs and knees strong. This asana is best to eliminate excess belly fat. 

Step.4 Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

This asana is also practiced while practicing Surya Namaskar. It is a special yogasan providing many health benefits, with the help of which the hips and thigh muscles are strengthened. 

Photo, social media.

How to do this Asana.

First of all, sit on a yoga mat and stand on your knees. Now take the left leg backward, bend your right knee and let it take position between the two arms, with the hands sticking to the ground. The hands and the right foot should be in one line. Now bend back as far backward as you can, throwing the chest out. Inhale.

Benefits of Ashwa Sanchalanasana.

Practicing it properly can relieve back pain.
Its regular practice is beneficial for stomach, liver, kidney. This yoga is very suitable for those who complain of breath or asthma.
This strengthens the lower body. Relaxing back muscles.

Step.5 Parvatasana  ( Mountain Pose) what is Parvatasana.

Yoga-meditation is considered to be very important for running life actively. Many people like to do yoga in the morning and evening to keep the mind calm and the body fit. Apart from this, in the absence of time, you can do yoga in the morning or only in the evening. Yoga not only keeps your body fit but also keeps mental disorders and wrong feelings away. Positive energy flows in life. This keeps your mind in the work of the day and you do not experience fatigue either. One such yoga is Parvatasana. The help of mountain helps to detox the body. Also, the immune system is also strong. 


How to do Parvatasana  ( Mountain Pose)

Exhale the breath and take your right leg also to the position of the left leg. Put your heels completely on the ground. Raise your hips upwards, touch your chest with your chin and look backward through your legs. The main fulcrum of this pose comes at the base of your spine. It is like a triangle with hip joint forming the peak. Make your breath normal.

Benefits of Parvatasana:

. Parvatasana plays an important role in making balance by giving health benefits to the body.
. This practice is good for the spinal cord and keeps the back muscles straight and increases the functioning of the internal organs.
. When you practice it regularly, your body becomes strong and the body's looseness is also removed.
. The mountain also removes tension in the shoulders and back.
. Plays an important role in preventing the disease of premature ejaculation.

Step.6 (The Flat Out) Ashtanga Namaskar.

What is Ashtanga Namaskar: Ashtanga namaskar appears as the sixth pose of surya namaskara. The name has Sanskrit origin, “ashtanga” means eight limbs (ashta, anga) and “namaskara” means salutation. This, therefore, translates to a salutation to the sun with eight limbs.


How to practice Ashtanga Namaskar: 

 Place all your limbs on the ground except your hips which should be slightly raised from the ground. Your forehead, chest and knees should touch the ground. Place your feet flat too, Make your Breath normal.

Benefits of Ashtanga Namaskar:

Practicing Ashtanga Namaskar Yoga increases the flexibility of your body and also strengthens the spine. Due to this, there is a balance in the muscles of the body. Also, the muscles remain active. Apart from this, it makes the muscles tone.

Step.7 (Up-stretch Asana) Cobra pose.
What is Cobra pose?.


Cobra pose is often used within a sun salutation or vinyasa as a transitional pose in a collection of asanas, and is considered a moderate back bend that can help prepare the spine for more advanced back bends

How to do (Up-stretch Asana) 

Lie down with your face downward, touching the ground with your forehead. Let your palms touch the ground just below your shoulders and as wide apart as your chest. Now raise your elbows a little. Start inhaling and raising the front part up to your navel. Bend your neck as far back as you can. Follow the same sequence. While exhaling 3 seconds return to starting position. Repeat for 2 rounds.


Spinal strength and flexibility may increase.
All organs present in the lower abdomen may increase the ability to function.
Digestive system, urinary tract problems are overcome and sexual power may increase.
Metabolism improves and can help in losing weight.

Step.8 (Back in the Bhoodhar Asana) Mountain Pose: 

The same as in No.5. Exhale lift from the hips and push back and up. 

Step.9 (Back in One Foot Balance) Equestrian pose)

The same as in No.4. Inhale and stop the right foot forward. 

Step.10 (Back in Compression) The same as in No.3. 

Exhale, bring the left foot forward and stop in to head-to-knee position. 

Step.11. (Back in Arch) Hasta Uttanasana .

The same as in No.2. Inhale and raise slowly while keeping arms extended. 

Step.12. (Finally in Prayer Position) Pranamasana.

Return to the position No.1. (Prayer Pose) Exhale and in a slow, sweeping motion, lower your hands up in to prayer portion. Repeat the sequence stepping with the left leg.

Conclusion :

Sun salutation: The highest yoga is alone exercise. It strengthens our entire body. Through daily practice, our bodies become healthy and are rude from our face whether women or men, elderly or ruddy justice Be very beneficial for someone. Surya Namaskar contains 12 yoga in praise of Sun. Traditionally, this asana is raised in the morning to grow in the morning and to celebrate the beginning of a new day.

People also ask.

Ques.1_What happens in the body by doing yoga?

Ans. The breath work we do during yoga fuels the metabolic system, which promotes increased fat burning and can result in weight loss.
. Improves flexibility of muscles
. Body postures and alignment
. Provides better digestive system.
. Treats asthma
. Treats diabetes

Ques. 2_Which yoga is best for body shape?

Ans. (Cobra pose ) Bhujangasana strengthens your arms, shoulders, spine, thighs, and gluteal muscles in just one pose. It tones up the muscles of the glutes, abdominal area and arms too. It helps in shaping your entire upper body and spine. Ashtanga yoga also good fit for lean body types because it is based around the sun salutation sequences, and these poses require both strength and flexibly.

Ques. 3 .Disadvantage of Cobra pose?

Ans._ Bhujangasana should not be performed during pregnancy.
. Women should not do Bhujangasana at the time of periods.

Ques. 4 . What are 3 relaxation techniques?

Ans. _Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, rhythmic exercise, and yoga.

Ques.5_ How to practice Pranamasana?

Ans. _Stand erect with the feet together.
. Join hands at the breast bone.
. Keep the abdomen drawn in slightly, back straight, the elbows and shoulders relaxed.
. Close the eyes and observe normal breathing.

Ques.6_ Who is the father of yoga?

Ans. _The tradition of yoga has been going on in India for thousands of years, even before the creation of 'Yoga Sutra' by Maharishi Patanjali, the pioneer of yoga philosophy. 

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