You are welcome to my Blog, googleboy4.blogspot.com. Now we are going to study about " lose weight yoga for beginners".There are many ways to deal with excess weight, but there is no single solution to reduce. If you are trying to lose weight or maintain weight, you should try yoga. There is good research that yoga can help you manage stress, improve your mood, curb emotional eating, and build a supportive community. All this can help you lose weight and keep it off. Yogasana improve our resistance power against diseases and do not allow any external matter to accumulate in the body. In this way, they keep the body free from the diseases. We look young in spite of our age.


LOSE WEIGHT YOGA FOR BEGINNERS :  1.Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) What is Dhanurasana? and How to do? Benefits of Dhanurasana.

Lose weight Yoga for beginners:  The word ' dhanu ' in Sanskrit means bow. The body resembles a bow in this Asana.
Dhanurasana  is a complete yoga posture that helps strengthen the muscles of the back and stomach. Health benefits may include enhancing blood circulation, adjusting hump back and body posture, management of diabetes, digestive diseases and chest diseases etc.

What is Dhanurasana.?

Dhanurasana is one of the major yogasanas and nowadays it is also practiced as a stretching exercise. It is a special yoga posture providing many physical benefits, which requires both physical balance and flexibility to practice. Hastapadasana is considered a good yogasana for the novice, in which the hands are bent and the hands are brought to the feet. Hastapadasana is made up of three Sanskrit words hand, verse and posture and in English it is know as "Hand to Feet Pose". 

How to do Dhanurasana. 

Lie face down on a yoga mat. Take a deep breath. Bend your legs and grab your ankles with your hands, keeping five fingers of each hand on the inside of your feet. Raise your back first, then your chest. Tilt your neck back and look up at the sky. There should be tension between your legs and arms so that your entire body rests on your navel. Bend your body into an arch. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position and relax into a comfortable asana.

Benefits of Dhanurasana.

This asana provides full excercise to the spine which becomes more elastic. It benefits the kidneys. Entire digestive area is stretched, by which abdominal disorders are cured. It also provides sufficient exercise to the neck, ribs and lungs. It helps cure menstruation and uterus disorders.

2. HASTAPADASANA. ( Hand ,Foot pose): What is Hastapadasana?. How to practice and Benefits of Hastapadasana. 

Hastapadasana is one of the major yogasana. It is a special yoga posture providing many physical benefits, which requires both physical balance and flexibility to practice. Hastapadasana is considered a good yogasana for the novice, in which the hands are bent and the hands are brought to the feet. Hastapadasana is made up of three Sanskrit words hand, verse and posture and in English it is known as "Hand to Feet Pose".

How to do Hastapadasana.

Stand erect, feet together. While inhaling 3 seconds, raise arms above head, tilt slightly backwards, knees straight. While exhaling 3 seconds, bend forward, hold ankles with hands, head facing downwards. ( do not bend the knees) . Maintain position and suspend breath for 6 seconds. While inhaling 3 seconds, return to starting position. Repeat for 2 or 3 rounds.

Benefits of Hastapadasana.

. This asana gives a good stretch to the back, hips, calves and ankles.
. Calms the brain and relieves anxiety.
. Relaxes when there is a problem of headache and insomnia.
. Improve digestion by giving good massage.
. Activates kidney and liver.
. Makes the thighs and knees strong.

3. Paschimottanasana - How To Do     (Seated Forward Bend Pose)  Benefits of Paschimottanasana 

(Lose weight yoga for beginners  ):
Sit on your yoga mat, stretch your legs forward. Now raise your hands up in the sky slowly while inhaling. The palms of your hands should point forward with your arms slightly touching the ears. Exhale and bring your hands down and catch hold of your heels, pulling of the heels with your hands, place your elbows on the ground. You may now bury your face between the knees. If you cannot touch your knees with your nose or forehead, do not raise your knees. Instead, raise body a little while inhaling and then bring it down again while exhaling. Do this four or five times .

Benefits of Paschimottanasana:

. Enhancing blood circulation.

. Disorders of the Kidney.

. Stimulate pancreas.

. Increase insulin production.

. Helps cure menstruation and uterus disorders.

. Obesity, Piles, Backache and constipation all disappear with its regular practice.


Lose weight yoga for beginners:
Practicing yoga can help you develop your body and mind. Yoga not only helps, decrease abdominal fat but also allows your body and mind to feel rejuvenated. However, this is not an alternative to modern medicine. You should not rely solely on yoga to cure your ailments. Consult with a qualified physician who will adequately assess and advise you on your condition. Practice of yoga postulate keeping the body healthy and the mind calm and peaceful. When the heart works normally through the circulation of blood, it gets the blood purified by the lungs and keeps the digestive system in order, the various glands function and maintain the balance of body, and the mind works calmly and keeps the body functioning through the intricate nervous system. A study analysis concluded that regular yoga practice can help promote weight loss and maintenance, combined with a healthy diet.

People also ask.

Ques:1 _Is yoga for beginners good for weight loss?

There is good research that yoga can help you manage stress, improve your mood, curb emotional eating, and build a supportive community. All this can help you lose weight and keep it off. Yoga can also help burn calories and increase muscle mass and elasticity.

Ques:2 _What is the best age to start yoga? 

There is no consensus on when children can start practicing yoga. However, yoga experts agree that children can start practicing yoga as early as the age of 5.

Ques:3 _Why we should prefer yogasanas to other excercise such as gymnastics, wrestling, and popular games?

Other excercise affect only the muscles outwardly, therefore, the body appears quite strong and healthy. But these excercise do not have much impact on the internal organs of the body as the yogasanas. Yogasanas are very effective in throwing out all our body wastes and in activating our glands. Other excercise have very little impact on the mind and sense organs, while the asanas improve mental power and help in controlling the sense organs.

Ques:4_  What are the benefits of regular yoga? 

It helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate. The body is resting. Confidence is rising. Less stress issues. Improve body coordination. The concentration is increasing. This will help you sleep better.

Ques:5 _What are the most valuable things in yoga?

Yoga is the art and science of a healthy lifestyle. The goal of yoga practice is to achieve enlightenment and get rid of all kinds of bodily problems. Yoga enlightenment by increasing the limitless possibilities of the human mind and soul. Thanks to yoga, we sleep well and keep our body healthy and strong. We find peace and joy in yoga. Through yoga, our brain works through concentration and our mind gets a good place for our thoughts. Yoga also keeps our body healthy, flexible and efficient.

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